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Full Home Rehabs SERVING the Austin Metroplex

"Great work! The entire process was seamless."
Jamal D.

We take homes that have seen better days and specialize in full home rehabs in the Austin Metroplex. We do a very thorough pre-inspection and determine what needs to be fixed. Then we sit down with the owner / investor and discuss the new design of the home. After the final design is signed off, we start to work. Each process is taken very seriously and completed with perfection.

Once the project is completed, we perform a detailed post-inspection. After everything is completed to the satisfaction of the customer, the keys to the new house are handed over to the proud owner.

We handle every aspect of the project. We take care of the landscaping, foundation, plumbing, electrical, kitchen, baths, drywall, framing, painting and flooring. Along with any other requirements you have.

We have been the General Contractor for Multi-Family as well as Single Family dwellings.

Let us know if we can increase the value of your property.

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